Message from the Director

Colleges these days are not only meant to impart knowledge and skills only, rather they have evolve to platforms for collaboration of thoughts and ideas. At Kiharu technical college we believe that the true strength for our learners lies in equipping them with modern day skills, competencies and attitudes that they can become effective players in our Nations transformation programmes. This goes a long way in ensuring that we produce learners who are part of an important human resource necessary for growth and development of Kenya.

Aristotle once said that educating the mind without educating the heart is not education. Even as we impart the education/knowledge/skills to match the advancement in technology and processes, we guide our learners towards right principles, ethics and moral values.

We offer our learners a stress-free learning environment which encourages creativity and critical thinking. Our unique teaching and learning process with a proper blend of theory and practice crosses the boundaries of nations towards global excellence.

Institutions of higher learning across Kenya along with aspirations of learners and parents having undergone critical transformation with time. At Kiharu Technical college we aspire to provide top quality higher education to all with a well balance and relevant KICD curriculum. We are of the view that the true education is a right blend of intelligence and character, we teach our learners to maximize their potential along with positive social behavior thus developing them wholly.

We value regular contact with parents/guardians and regard this as an essential part of the learning process. My office is always looking for new ways to involve everyone in the life of the school. We are always open to refreshing views and suggestions which can add more to the learners/students at our college.


George Kamwaro Njau
